Constitution of the HMS Cavalier Asociation
1.  The Title of of the Association
Shall be The HMS Cavalier Association hereinafter referred to as "The Association"
2.  Objectives and Aims
  1. Bring together in mutual friendship those who served in HMS Cavalier
  2. Support each other as necessary.
  3. Keep Members of "The Association" in contact with each other by means of a Newsletter (Known as "Cavalier Capers" ) Meetings and other Social occasions.
  4. Maintain Links with the Royal Navy and other organisations.
  5. Provide a central record of all information relating to HMS Cavalier.
  6. Support the current owners of HMS Cavalier.
  7. Promote the permanent preservation of HMS Cavalier.
  8. Promote greater public understanding of the work that British Destroyers played in Peace and War.
3.  Patrons, President and Honorary Members
The committee may from time to time, at their discretion elect as Patrons, President and Honorary Members of "the Association" persons who ,in the opinion of the committee have done or may be doing useful work in aid of "the Association" or it's objectives.

Honorary Members shall not be entitled to vote at General meetings of "the Association" but shall be entitled to attend and speak at such meetings.

4.  Membership

Membership shall consist of:

A. FULL MEMBERS who shall at any time served in Cavalier.


  1. At the discretion of the Committee. Honorary Life Membership may be offered to those who have given distinguished service to "the Association".

  2. Widows of deceased members will be offered Honorary Life Membership.

  3. Subscriptions will be waived for Life Members.

  4. A Certificate of Honorary Life Membership will be given to Full Members Only. (i.e. Those who served in HMS Cavalier)


  1. At the discretion of the Committee to those who have demonstrated their support for the aims of "the Association".
  2. Wives or partners and children of Full Members.
5.  Committee
AThe Officers of "the Association" shall consist of  -

      Chairman, Vice Chairman, Honorary Secretary,  and Honorary Treasurer

B.  The officers seeking election to the committee shall be elected at the Annual General

Meeting (AGM),and should hold office for one year. All must be Paid Up and Full Members of "the Association"

C.  The Chairman or in his absence the Vice Chairman shall take the Chair at Committee meetings and other

     meetings at which they are present, except that the President may be invited to preside at the Annual General Meeting (AGM)

D.  If any member becomes incapable through mental illness, declared bankrupt, is prohibited from holding office or ceases to

     be a  member of "the Association" he shall cease to be a member of the Committee.

6.  Subscriptions
A.  The Annual subscriptions of "the Association" shall be agreed at the AGM.
B   Subscriptions are due on the 1st January of each and every year
C.  Members whose subscriptions are two (2) months in arrears shall be excluded from membership unless reasons have been

     submitted to the committee in writing of their inability to pay.

D.  Those who fail to pay their subscriptions will not receive the Newsletter known as "Cavalier Capers"
7.   Meetings and Reunions
A.   Members shall be given at least thirty days notice of the date of the AGM and Reunion                  
B.   The AGM shall receive a report from the Committee and the Annual Accounts.
C.   To appoint Auditors and to consider any matter which has been submitted to the Secretary in writing at least fourteen days
       in advance of the AGM, unless of an urgent or emergency nature.
D.   Nominations for the committee shall be called for and must be with the Secretary in writing fourteen days prior to the   
       AGM, duly proposed and seconded.
E.    The date and venue of the Annual Reunion shall be decided by majority vote (rotating North/South)
F.    The arrangements for the Annual Reunion will be at the discretion of the Committee.
G.    The Committee may at anytime and shall within thirty days of receiving a request in writing signed by a minimum of ten
        members, call a special General Meeting. Of which a minimum of thirty days notice shall be given to the membership of the  
        venue the time and specifying the business to be transacted.
        Only business as notified will be discussed.
H.    The Committee shall meet six monthly or at such frequency as business may dictate.
        Three members to include the Officers of "the Association" shall constitute a Quorum.
        If the Chairman is unable to be present at any meeting, any two Committee Members shall be a Quorum, sufficient to elect
        one of their number to be the Chairman of the meeting.
8.    Accounts
A.    All funds and assets of "the Association" shall be held, paid and applied as the Committee may direct within the objectives
       of "the Association", pending such direction, all funds shall be held in separate bank accounts in the name of "the
B.    All cheques drawn on such accounts shall be signed by the Treasurer.
C.    There will be three accounts known as, Main, Welfare and Reunion to be audited concurrently.
9.     Welfare Account.
A.    The objective of the Welfare Fund is to assist those Full Members, Life Members and Associate Members who are
        in financial difficulty
B.     A Welfare Secretary will be appointed at the AGM from one of the committee, (Chairman, Vice Chairman or Treasurer.)
C.    At the end of every Financial Year, 10% of the balance of the Main Account will be transferred to the Welfare Fund.
D.    All enquiries for assistance regarding the Welfare Fund must be treated :- In Confidence, Anonymity and at the discretion
       of the Committee.
E.    The Welfare Secretary must engage the services of S.S.A.F.A. (or other suitable Registered Charity if S.S.A.F.A. is not
       readily available) to investigate the claim and make recommendations.
10.   Committee Powers and Duties.
       The Committee shall have the general management and direction of the funds and affairs of "the Association"
11.   Auditors
       Auditors who need not be members of "the Association" shall be appointed at the AGM.
12.   Alterations to the Constitution
A.    Subject to the following provisions of this clause the Constitution may only be altered by no less than two thirds of the
       members present and voting at a General Meeting.
B.    The notice of the General Meeting must include notice of the resolution setting out the terms of the alteration proposed.
C.    No amendment may be made to clause1.(one) ( The Title of the Association), clause 2.( two) (Objectives and Aims),
       clause 14,(fourteen) Dissolution
13.   Notices.
       Notices to members shall be deemed sufficiently served if sent by ordinary pre-paid post to the address of the member on
       their subscription form.
14.  Dissolution
       If the committee decides it is necessary or advisable to dissolve the Association it shall call a General Meeting of all
       members of "the Association", of which not less than Twenty One (21) days notice (stating the terms of the resolution to be
       proposed) shall be given.
       If the proposal is confirmed by a two-thirds majority of those present and voting, the Committee shall have the power to   
       realise any assets held by or on behalf of "the Association".
       Any assets remaining after the settlement of any proper debts and liabilities shall be given or transferred to such other
       charitable institution or institutions having objectives similar to those of "the Association" as the members of "the
       Association" shall determine. Failing that, they shall be applied to some other charitable purpose.
       A copy of the statement of accounts or account and statement for the final accounting period of "the Association" must be
        sent to all members of "the Association".
        R. Hunt
        Hon. Secretary
       January 2001