Cavalier in the Med.1946 3 Mess
some of the lads (R. Linley 3rd from right front) others
The TI, AB/ST Stan Carr, AB/ST Coe, ST Don Stevens, The Tiffy.
The Cavalier was a very busy ship in 1944 -45 sailing between Scapa Flow ,Western Approaches and Artic events.(The Russians sent a number of crew medals for their efforts) I got one. Some of the places we operated from were the Clyde, Port Glasgow, Gourock ( Dunoon -Radar checks) Liverpool, Birkenhead, Milford Haven, (the docks there) plus Moville / N.Ireland.
Her speed a very important part whilst escorting Liners which included, Mauritania, Queen Elizabeth, QM., Pastuer Ille De France, Batory, West Point, (USA), Mount Vernon (USA), US Trooper Andes. through the Western Approaches , there were others but i can't remember. All this before the 8th May. after which we were Torpedoed in a practice shoot off Scapa. Our screws and "A" frame plus tiller flat became a bit of a mess and required 3 Months refit. Before going to South Shields and sailing for the Far East on August 30th 1945
Torpedo firing taken with my
Brownie/Kodak camera
Buffer and Ordnance Tiffy with D/C crew whilst at sea in the Atlantic 1945
When I left Cavalier, this card was my passport to ONE Meal a day whilst onboard HM Trooper George my passage home from Singapore 6th August 1947 to Liverpool September 4th,1947
NO Card - NO Punch Mark, - NO EATS.
My bunk on E3 Deck level was the furthest Fwd. and lowest deck for 50 matelots.
On route we called in to Bombay (now Mumbai) on 16th August to collect Departing Troops as the 17th was Indian Independence Day. Three days later I was in sick-bay with upset digestion etc! I came out to the old routine whilst passing through the canal (having passed many other things as well.)
Finally arrived at London Waterloo, from Liverpool Landing Stage and Customs Officer (very fair) Naval Police were on the platform. Whilst struggling with my bag, hammock and my "rabbits" the first home greeting from a Patrol-crusher ---- "GET YOUR CAP ON STRAIGHT" ----in a wonderful warm voice of welcome return.
At last back in R.N.B. Portsmouth and getting my draft UK leave sorted out after 2 years, --the Petty Officer in charge was the Gunners TRIP was Ex-Cavalier 1944-46.When I went off to stow my bag and hammock and I was NOT crossing the parade ground, One of the Chiefs howled out "That Man There" "Still" I stopped only to find out it was the Chief Stoker of the HMS Magician I had been aboard as crew with,.."How are you Mate?" he was creased and said "you look ready for a barrow to the store!" "See you again" he chimed. "Not unless you're buying a pint" I said. 'Cor' i thought must be careful or i will not be home tomorrow.!!
But I did make it, and Hurrah over all the Hazards of Bull.