Held at Royal Beach Hotel,  Southsea, Hants.

@ 10.45hrs. ON SATURDAY 19TH MAY 2012,

 Following the marching on of the Association by Shipmate Dennis Curd, the meeting was opened by the Chairman Tony Cox. He read out the names of those that had crossed the bar over the last year:

Les Smales, Graham Carrie, Paul (Bert) Button, Jeff Bond, Campbell (Jock) Dowie, John Lamberton, John Mercer, J. Tucker, Norman Latham, Graham Carrie, Charlie Haydon, Mrs.N.Holder, Mrs. Lilian Unwin, Mrs. Margaret Spencer-Ware.

The Chairman read out the eulogy, and called for a minute’s silence, in remembrance of them.

The Secretary, read out the apologies from,

Admiral Pritchard and Wife,  Admiral Jeremy Blackham, Eddie and Linda Vann, Len and Brenda Page, Ron Rymer, Margaret Haydon, John & Joyce Mcllvenny & son, Roy Basterfield, Commander M. Jones, Bob Styants, Cliff East & Pat, Terry Bowser & Marlene, Albert McNarry & Jacquie

David Joblin and Margaret, John Bell & Lyn, Jamie Jamieson, John Goddard, Lou Rivett Carnac, Ian Rochester.


The Minutes of the 2011 AGM had been published in the 'Capers' and copies circulated to the membership present and the Secretary stated as this was the case he did not intend to them out in full, to which there were no objections. The minutes were then proposed by D. Thompson and seconded by R. Cooper and accepted unanimously. There were no matters arising.

Chairman’s Address

Please stand for the Marching on of “The Standard”


Shipmates, Ladies and Gentlemen Welcome to the HMS Cavalier Association Annual General Meeting 2012 held in The Royal beach Hotel, Southsea, Hants. 

Giving Thanks

There are a few shipmates in the association that work tirelessly though out the year on the association’s behalf, I would like to give a vote of thanks to Denis Curd our faithful Standard Bearer.

John Ironton for being Denis’s deputy, and as some would say, more importantly the organiser of the TOT, although the committee would never agree with that. 

Another vote of thanks to Ron Rymer our custodian of the Website, he’s been looking after us for at last 11 years. Not quite as long as Nobby’s been our treasurer. I think the rest of committee were in short pants when he started.

A really big thank you to Denis, Ron and John for all the hard work you’ve put in during the last 12 months.

I would also like to thank all the members of the committee for their tireless efforts during the year, David for the reunion, Terry for the Capers and administration and Nobby for the accounts and keeping all us in check. 

Without these committee members we wouldn’t be here today.

Working Weekends

Next working weekend is in October, dates will be published in the next Capers.

It is becoming more difficult to get two working weekends in a year now that organizations are using the ship, working weekend members will be asked for their views on this.

National Memorial Arboretum Arlewas  The Cavalier Memorial is now in place, more on this under Chairman’s Dit. (link)


Good morning all.

Nice to see a good turnout.

I won’t keep you long as I know you would like a nice tot of rum.

The Capers is coming along fine thanks to Chairman and the printers he found.

I would like some more items to put in the capers items are beginning to dry up and we can’t always rely on Nobby to pad it out.

Thank you to all that have made contributions.

For those of you that might be crossing the pond this year I still have HNSA staff visit tickets.

I also have copies of the Anchor Watch the journal of the HNSA along with USS Cavalier Association News Letter and the USS Slater News Letter, courtesy of Roger Hunt.

If you want to have a look, see me after but please return them in case anyone else wants to read them.

That’s all from me have a good reunion. I hope to see as many as possible at the Memorial Ceremony.

Treasurers Address



Here we are again another year passed and as I have been predicting we made a deficit on the year and if we don't take some sensible steps we will continue to do so year on year.

It's easy to explain as we had four "Capers" to pay for in this financial year as the winter "Capers" invoice did not come until the books were closed for year 2010-20II.

However if it had been included in last year’s accounts instead of making the small profit that we did that would have turned into a loss for that year.

I have taken some of the steps that are needed to be taken and all those who have received "Capers" in the past having failed to pay their subs; this will be no longer the case.

Also I have reduced the ladies list to those that when asked by the Hon. Secretary if they wished to continue to receive the "Capers".

A no reply was read as that they didn't require them so that has also resulted in a reduction in the number of "Capers" printed, in total this equates to 100 less "Capers" to be printed each edition.

Take that and multiply it by three; that is one complete edition of the "Capers" in cost alone saved plus of course the postage, which as you know has now been increased to ridiculous levels.

As for the non-payers I feel that there is no excuse for this as every edition of the "Capers" Has a reminder for you to pay; not only in writing but in my written moans!!

I think we should see how this next year pans out before we have to take more robust decisions on how to save on expenditure I feel postage is going to be a big factor in this.

Also remember you can let the Bank remember to pay your subscriptions for you by making out a "Standing Order" just request a form from me!

Postage, we took the decision to purchase a number of stamps before they increased in price on April 4th.

I left it late and could only get 300 but Alf our friendly GI saved the day and purchased for us a further 600 so there is a further saving for this year as we have the stamps for the next three editions.

Memorial Donations, I feel a big "Thank You" is owed to all the lovely lads and lasses that donated for us to have this Memorial erected and with just two invoices outstanding the cost has been met by donations alone and I hope to have some left over for "Tea and Sticky Buns" So far all invoices have been paid and we are waiting for the two "One Off' charges for Insurance and upkeep from the authorities at Arlewas.

At present the fund has left in it £ 1207.82p I estimate that the two invoices outstanding will come to around £700 so we may have £500+ for the buffet etc. after.

Just to let you into a very closely guarded secret, now that we have arrived at our target a member of the Association offered to meet the deficit if we had not achieved our target.

Which I feel was a very generous and magnanimous gesture-on his behalf so I must record a very sincere vote of thanks to him who wishes to remain anonymous.

My relief didn't tum up this year, so I hope he will next! Remember it keeps the grey matter active and its time I moved on and someone else took over the duties of your Treasurer.



A number of members raised concern at the use of Isle of Wight Tours for the reunions. The Chairman asked those present if they wanted to have a vote to discuss the issue. The result of this vote was as follows;-

         For 29, Against 12, Abstentions 4.

There was considerable discussion regarding cost and why the V. Chairman had gone down this road. Concern was also expressed that they would be organizing the events for the reunion in 2014, and there was concern expressed as to the wording of the insurance, it was pointed out that to date there had been no problems with people getting their money back.

With regards to 2014 it was explained that they only organize the hotel and the entertainment for us and that a sub-committee had been formed to look after the other arrangements. 

The Chairman called for a vote on whether to continue with Isle of Wight Tours. The vote went as follows; - As a result Isle of Wight Tours will continue to act for us in the present capacity.

For 32, Against 12, Abstentions 5.

As a result we will be continuing to using Isle of Wight Tours.

Presidents Address

The president was unable to attend due to death in the family and sent his apologies.

Admiral John addressed the AGM stating that he thought the “Capers” was very good especially Nobby’s epistle and also the book page.

He handed the association a copy of the 57 – 59 commission book so that it could be auction. He also handed other some correspondence to pass on to the president.

He was very pleased with the way the ship was being dealt with and the way the Sea cadets are making very good use of the ship.

Expressed his deep gratitude to all those officers of the Association and others who do so much to keep us in touch, to make the arrangements for this weekend and to enable us all to get together and to share the memories of what is still, for him, the most important ship he ever served in.  And of course gave his renewed thanks to you all for coming.    


The Padre thanked everyone on behalf of his wife for all the cards that were sent to her.

Cavalier Book

The Chairman explained that he had been approached about a book on the Cavalier and after some thought came up with a name who he thought would be the best person to put this together having approached him he agreed to do it. The chairman explained that there would be no cost to the Association as Historic Dockyard Trust was willing to cover this. Barry Knell has agreed to compile the book. It was agreed unanimously that Barry carry out this task

Memorial Ceremony

The Chairman thanked all those who helped to erect the stone, and that the dedication would take place on Saturday 28th July 2012 and that would be nice to see as many as possible there.

It was bought to our notice that there was still a serving officer that had served on the ship he is Commodore Jamie Miller.

It had been suggest that we could have used the facilities at Arlewas after the ceremony Peter Stone pointed out that this would have cost almost twice the sum we needed in the first place for the memorial. 


Gwen Hollamby who has been are working weekend chef for a considerable number of years as decided that it was time to hang up her apron. So as a token of our appreciation Gwen was presented with a gift from the Association. 

Dennis Curd has also decided that it was time for him to step down as Standard Bearer after doing a magnificent job for the last 16 years he was also presented with a gift as a token of our appreciation.

It was thought that in honour of the amount of time that he done the job that it would be appropriate for him to carry one more time and this will be at the Memorial ceremony which he has accepted.

Proposal for Standard Bearer.

It was proposed by Terry Willis and seconded by Marshall Clarke that John (Katie) Ironton be elected as  standard bearer, this was agreed unanimously.

The Chairman pointed out that as John Ironton was at present the deputy Standard bearer and also the Rum Bosun that we would need new people to carry out these duties. Bill Lace put himself forward as Deputy Standard bearer and Bob Broad volunteered as Rum Bosun both were elected unanimously.

Election of Officers

No nominations for any of the posts had been received the incumbent committee are all prepared to stand for a further year pending member­ship agreement, with no nominations having been put forward, a vote was taken to re-elect ‘en-bloc’ proposed by Bob Broad and seconded John Hills, which was passed unanimously.

Paddy Salter Townsend proposed a vote of thanks to the committee which was passed unanimously.

The meeting was closed by the Chairman and the standard marched off.

Up Spirits!

Terry Willis
