of The HMS Cavalier Association Annual General Meeting held at 1000Hrs
on Saturday 20th May 2017 at The Royal Hotel Hull - pdf
Following the marching on of the Association Standard by Shipmate John
Ironton, the meeting was opened by the Chairman Tony Cox.
The Chairman read out the names of those that had Crossed the Bar over the
last year; -Admiral John Hervey, Jimmy Campbell, Mike Deadman, Hayden
Howell, George McNally, Andy Blackhall, Alan P Smith, Desmond Gannon,
Micheal (Sandy) Barclay, Tom Bell and Ron (Sally) Rymer.
The Chairman read out the Eulogy, and called for a minute's silence, in
remembrance of them.
The Secretary read out the apologies; - Fred and Norma Shanks, Commander Pat
Crotian, Paddy and Freda Salter-Townsend, Roger and Margret Hunt, Barry and
Val Knell, Dennis Curd and Jacquie Cole, Fuzz Falzon, Bill Arbin, Paul and
Sally Mace, Commander Peter Stone, David Carver, John and Margret Nathan,
Blossom and Marlene Bowser, Cliff and Pat East, Dinger and Lynn Bell, Jamie
Jamieson, Albert and Jackie McNarry, Phyllis Rymer, Speedy and Margret Hunt,
Ian Kelman, Stevie Clare
The Minutes of the 2016 AGM have been published in the "Capers" and copies
circulated to the membership present. The secretary proposed that the
Minutes be taken as read.
It was proposed by A Yates and seconded by Bob Styants that the Minutes are
taken as read.
Agreed. Unanimously.
Shipmate, Ladies and Gentlemen Welcome to the HMS Cavalier Association
Annual General Meeting.
Giving Thanks
There are a few shipmates in the association that work tirelessly throughout
the year on the association's behalf and Julie and her crew who look after
us at the WWE’s. I would like to give a vote of thanks to all concerned
A big thank you to the ladies that tirelessly sell the raffle tickets and
Jan for doing the slops.
Without these people working in the background things would not run as
smooth as they do.
Tony Cox
President's Address
Cavalier Association Speech 20 May 2017
Chairman, Members of the Committee and, most importantly of all, members of
the Cavalier Association.
Welcome to the 2017 Reunion here in Hull. It is wonderful to see so many old
faces or should I say well known faces?! And Hull, The UK’s City of
Culture for 2017 is a very suitable place to come, with its long history of
relationships with the RN. Indeed, it was the first port I visited, on
a stand off from FP duties in November 1977 when I had just taken command of
HMS Tartar, and I have never forgotten it – we were nearly sunk by a Russian
commercial ship which parted her mooring wires in the non-tidal basin in a
Force 10 storm, into which we sailed the next day. It was a traumatic
occasion, but Hull was a wonderful run ashore and a really good Rig run as
well. I hope you manage to enjoy it as much as we did.
Of course, for all of us the most significant event of the past year was the
death of Admiral John almost exactly a year ago. John was a very special and
unusual man – brave, professional, kind, modest and selfless, generous,
unaffected, sympathetic and a man who loved both the Navy, and the sailors
with whom he served with his whole heart. I knew him less well, and
for less long than many of you but I can truly say that he enriched my life
and I feel a better person for having known him. He is an irreplaceable loss
to our Association and we shall always miss him.
He is of course above all an irreplaceable loss to his family. Some of
us were able to attend his funeral in Porchester last year, and so we were
able to tell his sons and daughter how highly we regarded him and how much
he touched all our lives. The family eventually decided that they did
not wish to have a formal remembrance service, preferring to remember their
father and grand-father in their own way and I have every sympathy with
that, although I know many of you would have liked to remember John in a
formal way. But he was essentially a private, humble man and so I
would not quarrel with the family’s decision.
But he was also a great naval officer and a great leader and so we have been
considering how to remember him and pay our own respects and debt to him as
an Association. I will say no more for now, because it is a later item
on the agenda.
I have had occasion to visit our ship a couple of times recently and I am
pleased to report that she is in good shape. For myself, I still feel
a great pride in stepping aboard her; she was where I learned my trade and I
am very proud to have served in her. And she certainly dominates the
Historic Dockyard at Chatham as we shall all be able to see once again next
She is a symbol of a great tradition and of a great Service which is going
through very hard times at the moment, a symbol of service, duty and
sacrifice in great causes, which are now somewhat unfashionable and little
understood today by many, including I am sorry to say, by some of the
leaders of our country. The Navy is right now in great difficulty and
it needs us, you and I, to do all we can to explain to our fellow citizens
just why the Navy is important and why, if we forget our dependence on and
our relationship with the sea, we are standing into mortal danger as a
nation. All of us, you and I both, can do a great deal to help by
reminding our fellow citizens how fragile peace and security are, and why we
remain dependent on the sea, and on our Navy, for our wealth, health and
happiness. And we need to do it constantly.
It wouldn’t be right to end without saying a big thank you to Nobby
Clarke. Every organisation badly needs a Nobby, and we have been very
lucky with ours. It is so easy for small organisations to go off the
rails financially, but little chance of that with Nobby around.
I learnt something new the other day. Many will remember how, as
parents, they waited and waited to hear what would be the first words their
baby would say. Nobby’s parents were no exception. And they
didn’t have to wait long, for young Nobby was a very bright baby. And then
those first words came, very clearly. They were “No, you can’t”.
And he has gone on saying them ever since to the great benefit of the
Association. Thank you Nobby, and of course to Jan for all you have
done for us – we are very grateful. And now we expect to see you
I must also mention Ron Rymer, whose unexpected death was a great shock and
a great loss. Ron was a first-class runner of the Ship’s Office and
web master, who did so much to keep us informed, and he too will be much
missed. The Chairman, as in all things, has a plan to fill the gap,
which I expect he will share, but I would like to pay a tribute to all that
Ron did for the Association.
Let me finish on a slightly more cheerful note. It is very good to be
at the reunion again, amongst old shipmates and remembering old times.
We may be slowly dwindling in numbers, and we may have to think shortly
about what that means for our Association; I shall be very interested to
hear your thoughts about that over a beer and at any time when you have
ideas to share. Meanwhile, it is a very great pleasure to see you all
here. I hope you all enjoy the weekend and especially the gala dinner
tonight. Thank you all again for coming to the 2017 reunion.
We have Just had another successful working weekend painting the after
superstructure and I would like to thank Julie and family for once again for
looking after on the Saturday, most enjoyable catering.
On the Friday 28th April 2017, we had a visit from Cliff “RAB” Butler who on
behalf of the widow of Alexandra Burnap, presented to the National Destroyer
Memorial a World War 2 range finder further details along with photos will
be in the “Capers”.
Once again, I am requesting that you send me more dits for the “Capers” I
don’t just want to fill the magazine with jokes and photos.
I would like to express our thanks to Ron Garside for all the photos he
takes at the WWE’s and Armistice Day.
A Veterans Memorial Pin has been launched by the by the Veterans Bereavement
Support to immediate next of kin who served our country in times of war and
peace and who have passed away once retired from the service. The pin is
also available for families of those who passed away during both World Wars.
Anyone interested please see me for details.
The Commanding officer of HMS KENT has invited all affiliates to visit her
in dry dock on the following dates at Devonport June 15th/20th/ and 22nd for
details see me.
There is just one last thing to say and that is Nobby would you please
continue with your dits to Capers as they are one of the most popular items
in the magazine. Thank you.
Hope you all enjoy the rest of your weekend.
Terry Willis
Welcome to my final report as your treasurer, I have been here for the past
20 years so no doubt like me you feel a change is well overdue
This year much like last year has been a year of consolidation.
This year as you are all aware; that subs went up to £15! That is not really
true as some of the members had to be reminded of the fact when they sent me
their subs for the year as £10 and those along with the Standing Order
payers who had forgot to change it with their bank were promptly informed of
their error! Those who did not comply will not receive the "Capers" until
the arrears are paid!
You all have the front page of the Audit of Accounts.
If you have any questions I am happy to try and answer them, I have with me
the Auditors report and the Bank Statements. which are up to date as of
Wednesday this week.
Anyone wishing to examine them feel free to peruse them after the AGM
As I told you last year the "Spring Capers Cheque" had not been cashed when
the books closed and would be included in this year's accounts (They are)
As I am retiring from the Treasures Post as of this AGM I also paid the
Auditor for this year's audit so as to give my relief a blank page to begin
The committee decided that we would no longer keep a stock of Slops as
everyone appears to have sufficient of what we hold!
So, as you will read in the papers that you have reference slops, all have
been brought to the AGM (With the exception of the 60 year Plates!) and we
hope to sell everything! NO Sensible offer will be refused!
The 70 books we had left have now all been taken to Paul Barnard in CHD to
sell them back at cost so as they can sell them in the shop (They will send
the money by Debit transfer) The Chairman is negotiating the price!!
I would like to thank you all for the support that you have given me over
the past twenty years which I hope you will continue to give that same
support to my relief
Please visit the slops Table and either Jan or I will give you a great deal
especially if you buy in BULK
Have a great reunion and I look forward to seeing you all in Sittingbourne
next year God willing of course!
M Clarke
Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen to the 2017 reunion here in Hull at the Royal
I have the following suggestions for 2019 and they are; - Llandudno,
Southport or somewhere near the National Arboretum. Following a vote on them
it was agreed by the majority that it should be near the Arboretum but not
at Tillington Hall. It was suggested that Lichfield could be a venue.
The membership requested that there be more than one choice for the Gala
Dinner in future.
It was also noted that the food on the Friday night was not of the best
quality to put it politely and the management was informed.
David Shardlow
Vice Chairman
The President advised the meeting that It has been suggested that we
purchase a large bench which would be placed near the ships bows or close to
the memorial and that an unveiling ceremony beheld at the 2018 reunion. CHDT
agree with this happening and the family of the late Admiral John.
It has also been agreed that a fund be set up for donations towards the
This was agreed unanimously.
It was proposed by John (Katie) Ironton and seconded by Mike Ellis that Alan
(ROWDY) Yates be elected as Treasurer.
Agreed unanimously.
The new treasurer addressed the AGM as follows; -
Nobby, I have the ship sir!
You can now rest on your laurels and relaxing the sunny uplands of your
retirement and reflect on the sterling work you have done to further the
cause of the association. Your workload, especially in the early days must
have been onerous and very time consuming. I expect Jan did not see much of
you for long periods whilst you were locked in the office beavering away,
although whether that is a plus or minus is perhaps a talking point? Anyway,
thank you Jan for all you undoubted help and toleration.
21 years is a long time in anyone’s book and we are In your debt thank you
very much.
As to how I come to be standing here as your new treasurer.
Well, today is a day that should live in infamy. The selection progress for
this position needs serious attention, in order to get me on this podium I
was lured into a den of inequity, shanghaied and subjected to a kangaroo
court by a group of what can only be described as nefarious oiks, the
detritus of the seven seas.
I have to tell you that even as I speak these neredowells are sitting
shamelessly amongst you. One of them stands out because his eyes spin like a
Python in the Jungle book and is you listen you can hear a hissing sound.
I was in the words of the prophet, done up like a kipper.
Still as some wiseacre once said, “If you can’t take a joke you shouldn’t
have joined”
Anyway, during this process and standard procedure we all had a thousand
laughs and that is what it is all about.
Nobby will be a hard act to follow but I will now crack on and do my best to
fill his boots until my relief who is surely waiting in the wings somewhere
is nominated.
Thank you
Alan (Rowdy) Yates
The Chair informed the meeting that he had found a replacement for Ron Rymer
and that person was Neil Bartlett the son of John Bartlett and he has all
the qualifications required for the job.
Moved by D Thompson seconded by B Broad
It was unanimously agreed that Neil should be elected to this position.
The Chair informed the meeting that Bill Lace was prepared to take on the
roll as standard bearer and as a result of this we will need a new deputy so
if any of you are willing to take on this position please notify the
secretary. The chair also thanked John (Katie) Ironton for the fantastic job
he had done over the years.
These have been granted to Nobby Clarke, John Ironton and
retrospectively to Dennis Curd for their service to the association.
Moved by D Thompson seconded by A Yates
Agreed unanimously
Presentations were made to both Nobby and Jan for the work they have done
for the association over the last 21 years.
There have been no nominations for any of the posts, the incumbent committee
are all prepared to stand for a further year pending membership agreement, a
vote took place to re-elect En-bloc which was proposed by B Broad and
seconded by A Yates, and this was passed unanimously.
John (Katie) Ironton proposed vote of thanks to the committee.
Unanimously Agreed
The Chairman proceeded to close the meeting and the standard was marched
"Up Spirits"
Terry Willis
Tony Cox