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Crossed the Bar Dave Harris Funeral details for Dave J Harris (66-69 Commission). The Funeral will be held at Margate Crematorium (also called Thanet Crematorium) on the 1st November att 11:30. May he find a safe anchorage in calm waters. Link to Margate/Thanet Crematorium on Google maps 28/10/2024 |
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Crossed the Bar William F Arbin William (Bill) F Arbin (61-63 Commission) crossed the bar on the 4th September 2023. Bill was a great supporter of the ship and the association and will be sadly missed. May he find a safe anchorage in calm waters. Here is a link with details of the funeral on the 3rd October Funeral details And a link to a live web stream Funeral live web stream if you haven't received the username and password already from the secretary, email the Ships Office and we'll pass them on. 29/09/2023 |
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Crossed the Bar Jimmy Moir Sadly, I have to report the passing of shipmate Jimmy Moir 61-63 commission. May he find a safe anchorage in calm waters. 17/07/2023 |
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Crossed the Bar Robert Salter-Townshend Robert (Paddy) Salter-Townshend (60-61 Commission) crossed the bar on the 24th May 2023. Paddy was a long serving member of the association and much loved friend to many. With his wife Freda, he attended nearly every AGM until it became too difficult. May he find a safe anchorage in calm waters. 26/05/2023 |
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Crossed the Bar Paul Booy Sorry to report the sad news that Paul Booy (59-60 Commission) crossed the bar on the 24th February 2023. May he find a safe anchorage in calm waters. 3/03/2023 |
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Crossed the Bar Dennis Curd Very sad to say that Dennis Curd (60-61 Commission) crossed the bar yesterday 21st January 2023. Funeral details will posted when we have them. May he find a safe anchorage in calm waters. 22/01/2023 |
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Crossed the Bar Anthony Addison We've had some sad news from Adrian Addison that his father Anthony Addison (70-72 Commission) crossed the bar on the 26th August 2022. Gerald Petchey We have also been informed that Gerald (Blossom) Petchey (61-63 Commission) crossed the bar in August 2021 May they find a safe anchorage in calm waters. Message from the ships office: sorry these have been slow, I had to take some time away. 22/11/2022 |
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Crossed the Bar Donald Cripps I'm sad to have to report that Donald Cripps (44-46 Commission) crossed the bar on the 5th June 2022 aged 94. He passed away at home as was his wish. May he find a safe anchorage in calm waters. 9/6/2022 |
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Crossed the Bar David Wall Lt Cmdr RN We've received a message from Karen Martin that her father David Wall (59/60 Commission) sadly passed away, aged 82 on 8th November 2021 at Kirkcaldy Hospital after contracting pneumonia. 29/11/2021 |
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Crossed the Bar Robert Stickley Sadly I have had a call today (5/10/21) from Mrs Alice Batt, sister of Robert Stickley from the 70/72 commission, to say that her brother passed away on 9th September. His funeral will be on Wednesday 21st October at Reading Crematorium (All Hallows Road, Caversham, RG4 5LP Google Maps), AB Walker are the funeral directors. I have Alice's phone number if needed. Robert had been poorly for a while and had cancer, but was not expected to pass. Regards Julie Tester Secretary H.M.S. Cavalier Association More apologies from the webmaster for the delay in posting this, still having some email problems. 19/10/2021 |
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Crossed the Bar Fred Coates It is with great sadness that I must inform you that our shipmate Fred Coates of the 60 - 61 commission crossed the bar 29th July, may he find a safe anchorage in calm waters with a following wind, your watch is over, your duty is done, Fred was a character of the old school a great oppo and a good run ashore, always happy and always joking although he was battling cancer for many years, He will be sadly missed by all. Regards Julie Tester Secretary H.M.S. Cavalier Association Apologies from the webmaster for the delay in posting this, the notifcation email got stuck due to an unexpected password change. 30/9/2021 |
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Crossed the Bar More sad news I'm afraid, I have to report that two more Cavaliers have crossed the bar. David Gymer (70/72 Commission) passed away on 30th April 2021 and Jim (James) Slaughter (70/72 Commission) passed away on 8th May 2021 May they find a safe anchorage in calm waters. 28/6/2021 |
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Crossed the Bar Sorry to say, I have had a letter from Honora Shanks, informing us that Fredrick George (Fred) Shanks (61-63 Commission) passed away on 15th February, after a long illness. They were married for 65 years. I will reply to her and send her our condolences. Julie H.M.S. Cavalier Ass. Sec. 19/4/2021 |
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Crossed the Bar I have the sad duty to report the passing of two former shipmates. Phil E Cox - (70/72 Commission) (March 21 we think) and Cdr Patrick B Grotrian - (Lt Cdr 59/60 Commission) - 15/12/2020 May they find a safe anchorage in calm waters. 27/3/2021 |
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Crossed the Bar Rear-Admiral (John Geoffrey) Robin Musson CB We've received a message from Admiral Musson's son Alex informing us of the sad news that his father Crossed the Bar on the 23rd November 2020. May he find a safe anchorage in calm waters. Alex also wanted to ask whether any of the members might have suitable/amusing anecdotes that he might send to Peter Hore who writes the obits for the Telegraph if they get an entry. Julie has Alex's contact details for any anecdotes. 30/11/2020 |
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Crossed the Bar Geoff Lane and Martin Loftus We've heard the sad news that Geoff Lane (51/54) crossed the bar on the 30th July 2020. We've also been informed that Martin Loftus (71/72) crossed the bar on 6th November 2020. May they find a safe anchorage in calm waters. 22/11/2020 |
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Chatham Dockyard Virtual Armistice Day Commemoration Due to the coronavirus restrictions Chatham Dockyard are unable to open their commemoration to the public, but will be broadcasting the event through Facebook Live. Details can be found on their website or their Facebook page, Facebook event Whilst we are unable to hold our traditional Armistice Day Commemoration due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic and national lockdown, we will still be honouring the day and remembering fallen servicemen and women. We invite you to join us virtually and watch our Facebook Live event that will be streamed from the HMS Cavalier Monument on Wednesday 11 November. The Order of Service is as follows: 10:45: Service Commences Music: Piper – Paul Stevens 10:55: Introduction Stephen Billington – Chatham Historic Dockyard Trust Bidding Prayer Let us remember in silence before God, all those who have died in the service of their country. 11:00: Last Post Music: Bugler – Stephen Louch Two Minute Silence Reveille Music: Bugler – Stephen Louch ‘The Exhortation’ Richard Morsley, Chief Executive, Chatham Historic Dockyard Trust They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old, Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn At the going down of the sun, and in the morning We will remember them. Richard Morsley will lay the first wreath. ‘Kohima Epitaph’ Richard Morsley, Chief Executive, Chatham Historic Dockyard Trust When you go home, tell them of us and say, For your tomorrow, we gave our today Conclusion of Service Music: Piper – Paul Stevens 9/11/2020 |
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IOW Tours has ceased trading Dear Shipmates It is with great sadness that I have to inform you that as of the 8th October Isle of Wight Tours ceased trading. I spoke with Shirley yesterday and as you can imagine she was very distraught. She has done everything in her power to keep the company afloat but alas with no help from the government it wasn’t to be. My heartfelt thanks go out to Shirley and her team who have supported the Cavalier Association and many other associations over the years. I feel for Shirley, Ian and the staff who have become great friends to all of us. I was also informed that all money paid for the 2021 reunion is held in a bonded account therefore all members will get their money back. How long this process will take I am not too sure. I’ve barely had time to take all this in, therefore I’m unable to assist anyone in the required process, hopefully by the time Capers hits the streets we will have a better idea of the process. I am aware that there is information On the IoW Tours web page, please take a look. http://iowtours.com/iow-tours-has-ceased-trading/ I received an e-mail from Katie Ironton with the following information regarding refunds and I quote “it has become apparent that legally, each member who booked and paid for our 2021 Bristol reunion needs to request a refund themselves. Therefore please follow the link www.bch-uk.org, the information on claiming back your funds will be posted on this website as of close of play Tuesday 13th October. Should you require any help then please contact a member of the committee who will only be to happy to help. As you can imagine the 2021 Bristol reunion has been cancelled by the administrators, therefore, we are back to square one. I have had a discussion with the committee and feel that for the next reunion we should wait until covid 19 has settled down and it is safe to continue as before. In the meantime, the committee will take this opportunity to look at alternatives, bearing in mind that other travel companies could be in the same position. Any positive suggestions from the membership will be judged on its merits. We hope that members will be sympathetic and understand that the committee will do all we can to right the ship, so we can once again enjoy meeting at the next reunion. On another note, Armistice Day, as far as we know it is still on and anyone wishing to go, can, but at their own risk and to please check with the dockyard the day before for updates, Yours Aye HMS Cavalier Committee. PDF of Committee statement 11/10/2020 |
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New date for the Bristol reunion Dear Shipmates It is with regret that I have to inform you that, after long consideration we (the committee) have decided to once again re-schedule the Bristol reunion. We have had intensive discussions with both Shirley and the hotel in Bristol to ensure that there is a seamless transition to the new dates next year. All monies paid so far by members will be transferred to the new dates. The new dates for the 2021 reunion are: Friday 28th May – Monday 31st ~May. As you can imagine going into next year there will be a cost increase, as we know things only go up. On our behalf Shirley has negotiated with the hotel and the increase for the 2021 reunion are: £5.00 per person per night. I think Shirley deserves our appreciation for managing to keep the increase so low. Our reason for rescheduling is due to the uncertainties that still remain regarding Covid 19. The committee takes the safety on our members very seriously and apologies if this further change has inconvenienced anyone. You will be receiving (if you haven’t already) an email or letter from IOWT spelling out the terms and conditions for the 2021 Bristol reunion. As an addition the committee is looking at ways of laying on something at the reunion, no decision has yet been made but when it is you’ll have to come to the reunion to find. Once again, our apologies for the changes. Yours Aye HMS Cavalier Committee Regards Julie H.M.S. Cavalier Ass. Sec. 6/9/2020 |
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Crossed the Bar Leigh Easton Dear Shipmates, I have just found out that shipmate Leigh Easton from Edinburgh passed away on 2nd July. He was a regular attendee at the reunions and was on board on the 1960-61 commission with an army gunnery detachment I believe, and was an association member. He was also former membership secretary of the Bulwark,Albion,Centaur Ass'n. Yours aye Roger (speedy) 4/8/2020 |
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Crossed the Bar Gerald Sedgley It is with regret and the deepest sadness to inform you that Gerald Sedgley crossed the bar the evening of Saturday 18th July in the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham after being in ITU for three weeks, his Daughter and Son-in-law were with him. If you wish condolence cards may sent to the address of his daughter :- Mr & Mrs A. Green, 17 Hollyberry Avenue, Solihull, West Midlands, B91 3UA May he find a safe anchorage in calm waters. Yours Aye Katie. 18/7/2020 |
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Crossed the Bar John Gordon Jones (66/69 Commission) I have had a call from Mark Jones, unfortunately informing us that his Dad John, passed away on 28th April 2020 (from covid). I gave him our condolences and will send a card. Regards Julie H.M.S. Cavalier Ass. Sec. 26/6/2020 |
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A message from the president and committee Dear Shipmates These are unprecedented times that we’re all experiencing and I’m sure that being confined to our homes will be very frustrating to most of us. Many of us will be in the vulnerable category, so we hope everyone has someone to help keep the cupboards filled and the wine rack stocked, of course not forgetting the rum. On a more serious note we would like to remind members that we have a welfare fund, which at the moment stands at a substantial sum. This fund was set up many years ago for the benefit of members who may suffer financial difficulty. Therefore, I would like to reiterate that if there is anyone suffering financially then please contact any member of the committee. To put your mind at peace, everything relating to welfare pay outs is confidential. I think it was a wise move to delay the reunion until Oct/Nov, when hopefully all this will be behind us. We look forward to meeting up then in Bristol. Julie is thinking about publishing the next issue of capers early (end of May. We are a little shy of material to fill an issue, therefore as we’re confined and are fed up with doing jigsaws, gardening and decorating, could we call on members to put pen to paper and send in experiences and anecdotes from your time in service and post service? Also, any survival tips/experiences you’ve gained during lockdown that you’d like to share, if so please contact Julie who will be please to share with other members. Please stay safe and adhere to all the guidelines, you know it makes sense. Let’s show that we are “Of One Company”. Yours Aye President & Committee. 13/4/2020 |
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Reunion postponed, April working weekend cancelled Ladies & Gentlemen Firstly, we would like to apologise for the lack of communication regarding our upcoming reunion in Bristol. We have a duty of care to make sure that we have all the information available for our members before we went to print. We have had extensive dialogue this weekend with IOW Tours to see if it’s possible to re-schedule the reunion for later in the year, we have just received information that we can. The new dates are as follows:- 30th October to 2nd November. Therefore, the May reunion dates have been cancelled. We are fully aware that these new dates may not suit everyone, so to give you time to decide, we have asked IOW Tours to transfer everyone on the May reunion list to the new dates in October/November. In the event that the new dates are not to your liking then you can cancel through IOW Tours. We want to emphasise that if you wish to cancel then you must do so, on or before 17th September, that way you will only lose your £10.00 deposit. The other point to take into consideration is the likelihood of the country still suffering from Covid 19. This will be monitored closely by the committee and should we deem it unsafe to continue with the October date, then we will re-evaluate closer to the time and let all members know the outcome of our decision. All those on the list will be receiving a letter from IOW Tours regarding the re-scheduling. We would like to thank you all for your patience during this time and if you have any queries then please contact a member of the committee. Sadly, we will also have to cancel April's Working Weekend, again October's one will be re-evaluated nearer the time. Many Thanks From The HMS Cavalier Association Committee 16/3/2020 |
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Crossed the bar It is with regret that I have to inform you of the passing of another comrade. Leonard Graves 57/59 commission. I have spoken to his son, also called Leonard who will pass me the funeral details when known. Leonard has opted at our invitation to remain as an honorary member. Alan Yates 9/3/2020 |
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Crossed the bar We've received the sad news that Micky Dack (59-60 Commission) has crossed the bar. I've attached the message from Barrie Downer of the Barrow in Furness Submariners Association with the details of the funeral. Contact can be made via our Treasurer Rowdy " Hello everybody The Funeral of our late Branch Member Micky Dack will be held at Thorncliffe Crematorium (Google Maps) on Friday 13th March at 1130. The Wake will follow at the Legion in Holker Street. (Google Maps) The Funeral Directors are Little and Caine Can we have a good turn out (in the rig and with medals) to say goodbye to a long standing Branch Member and good friend of many. I am looking to the Branch Members to provide a Guard of Honour and volunteers are also required to act as pall bearers. I understand that the Standard Bearer of the HMS Cavalier Association will also attend. -- Barrie K Downer Vice Chairman & Secretary Branch Historian Barrow in Furness Submariners Association " 8/3/2020 |
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New link HMS Carysfort I've just put a link to the HMS Carysfort website on the menu. I'll put it here as well for ease, HMS Carysfort website Neil 27/1/2020 |
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Update - Alan Johnston I've now spoken to Alan's wife Christine, sent our condolences, Alan crossed over the bar on 6th December. Julie H.M.S. Cavalier Ass. Sec. 4/1/2020 |
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Crossed the bar I have had a message left on my phone from Christine Johnston informing us that Alan Johnston (64-66 Commission) has Crossed Over the Bar. I have tried to ring back several times but the number is now temporarily unavailable? so I can't get any more details. I will keep trying and let you know if I get through. Julie H.M.S. Cavalier Ass. Sec. 22/12/2019 |
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Crossed the bar I have received a call from Martin Pinn, who has informed me of the sad news that George Temple (70/72 commission) passed away on 19th June. Julie H.M.S. Cavalier Ass. Sec. 12/12/2019 |
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Crossed the bar Sadly I have to report the death of our shipmate Mike Ellis 66/69 commission in the early hours of the 27th November. He crossed the bar due to heart failure after a short illness. His funeral details are; Mon 16th Dec 1300 @ Rose Hill Cemetery, Doncaster, DN4 6HE. Following at Mount Pleasant Hotel, DN11 0HW. His wife Sue has expressed a wish for his shipmates to attend where possible and at this stage I believe that Bill Lace + 3 will attend with the standard. Please advise myself or the secretary if you are attending. Many thanks and our sincere condolences to his family. Alan Yates H.M.S. Cavalier Ass. Treasurer ----- I've had a call from Linda Bull to say that her brother Robert (Bob) (PIGGY) Tustin 70/71 Crossed the Bar on 15th April. Julie H.M.S. Cavalier Ass. Sec. ----- I've received a message from David Thompson with the sad news that June Thomson, widow of Charlie Thomson 70/72 commission passed away on 11th November. Neil 1/12/2019 |
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Request from treasurer As you know we no longer carry slops other than the few remaining items on the slops list. However, we do have a trickle of new members and I am no longer able to provide things like Blazer Badges, Ties and accessories of that nature. It occurred to me that there may be some of those items out there that are no longer used and are sat in a drawer and if they could be donated, they could be given a new lease of life. I realise that in some cases they are precious mementos of the previous owner and we wouldn’t want to ask for those but, if any of you do have any items that you could let go we would be pleased to have them. We will happily cover any postage costs. Many thanks Alan (Rowdy) Yates 21/11/2019 |
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Working Weekend small change of plan Hi All Due to unforeseen circumstances, as in the King George 5th have no chef/food for the foreseeable future, we have had a change of plan for the Friday night 11th Oct. I have booked a table for everyone eating on the Friday night at 7pm at the Ship & Trades, this pub/restaurant is situated on the retail park, just a short walk from the Dockyard, so is very close to stagger back on board !!! The address is below :- Ship & Trades Chatham Maritime, Chatham, Kent ME4 3ER 01634 895 200 Any queries, please do not hesitate to contact me. Regards Julie Hon Sec 23/9/2019 |
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Working Weekend 11-13 October 2019 With the forth coming Working Weekend soon approaching, I am in need of a head count for attendance, food and accommodation etc... I have listed below the agenda for the weekend, please let me know at your earliest convenience if and what you will be attending..... Friday Evening - Pub Meal ( King George 5th), Overnight on Cavalier. Saturday - Breakfast, Photo Shoot*, Lunch, Dinner at Chatham Dockyard Restaurant OR 80th Party**, Over Night on Cavalier. Sunday - Breakfast. *On the Saturday morning at 9AM there will be a Press Session including a photo shoot of the Cavalier with a Diamond Freight Lorry, painted with Cavalier Artwork and anyone attending the weekend, if you wish to join us for this the attendees will need to wear their Number 1's. **On the Saturday evening there will be a joint 80th party/meal being held for Roger Hunt and Barry Knell at the King Charles Hotel, all are welcome but you will need to contact the King Charles to book your meal directly and accommodation if required. (01634 830303 Rooms on a B&B basis cost £67 per room per night for a twin or double. Price for the set 3 course meal start from £26.50 per person.). Any questions or queries please don't hesitate in contacting Julie on 01580 291145 or tess2008@tiscali.co.uk Many Thanks and Kind Regards Julie Cavalier Association Secretary 22/8/2019 |
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Teenage sweethearts finally wed after 54 years From the Medway Messenqer by Nicola Jordan It has taken more than half a century, but finally Sid Anning has married his teenage sweetheart. The 76-year-old former sailor and Barbara Watson, 72, were wed at a hotel in Gillingham on Saturday after being apart for 54 years. The couple, who were swept off their feet after meeting on the dance floor, were engaged within three months in 1964. Sid placed a solitaire ring on her finger and Barbara did extra shifts at the factory where she worked to pay for the wedding. But disaster struck when Sid was called on board his Chatham based ship, HMS Cavalier, to accompany her on a refit in Gibraltar. While at sea and hundreds of miles apart Sid, then aged 21, received a “Dear John” letter from Barbara ending their relationship. He assumed Barbara, who was just 16, had found another suitor and while devastated, decided to reluctantly accept that he had been dumped. But the truth was Barbara was too young at the time and felt lonely with Sid not by her side. After going their separate ways Barbara married Herbert Watson, a soldier who died 15 years ago. Meanwhile Sid found love with a former shipmate’s wife. They had a daughter and moved to Plymouth. They divorced after 42 years of marriage. While they thought of each other from time to time over the years, Sid and Barbara never dreamt that they would see each other again. It was only when his cousin Ken Anning started to compile a family tree that he saw a glimmer of hope. His ex-fiancee’s name and date of birth cropped up and he tracked her down to an address in Rainham. Nervously, he wrote to her, unaware of her circumstances, but by the time the letter arrived she had moved to her current home in Borstal. Fortunately, a neighbour forwarded on her post and the rest is history. He met up with her at her flat in Queen Mother Court in Borstal Road and love blossomed again. They got engaged at Christmas and finally said “I do” at the King Charles Hotel at a ceremony attended by about 60 friends and relatives. Sid said: “We’ve never forgotten each other, but we had no idea where each other was." “It has definitely got to be fate that brought us together.” Barbara said: “It was a truly beautiful day. The sun shone for us and we had lots of close friends with us.” ![]() 21/8/2019 |
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Picture from the past I've had an email from Ross Jennings (Ex RAN PO Electrician) with a picture of a RN ship coming alongside HMAS Melbourne for refueling circa 1960/61. Ross remembers the OOD saying that it was Cavalier, but I'm sure the eagle eyed among you will have noticed that it's HMS Carysfort D25. Now I found that both Cavalier and Carysfort visited Australia in 1960 and traveled to Korea and Japan together in 1962. So a question for you guys. Do any of you remember if you were traveling with Carysfort when this was taken? Neil ![]() 9/4/2019 |
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AGM Dear Members, I would just like to remind you all that the association is run for the benefit of all of us and what you, the membership, want to happen will happen. If you have any constructive ideas about improvements that might be made in any area, perhaps the AGM, where, when, how it should happen or anything else then have it put on the agenda where it can be proposed, discussed and voted on. Contact Tony Cox or myself if you would like to put something forward for this Mays AGM This is democracy at work just like Brexit. Yours Aye Rowdy, Treasurer & Membership Bosun 5/4/2019 |
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HMS Cavalier large model The association has been contacted by Andy Ratcliffe wondering if anyone would be interested in his late father's large scale model of Cavalier. Following the death of my father, Bob Ratcliffe, in December last year, I am helping my mother with his estate. One item which may be of interest is a large scale model of HMS Cavalier which was scratch built by a former HMS Cavalier guide Sam Ludford (KCC model-maker of many years) who built many models for the Navy. My father did not serve of the ship. He was a notable local historian and enthusiast for all matters relating to Rochester, history, Chatham, the dockyard, the river and much more. He was a working friend of Sam Ludford. This one is in very good condition and is in its own display case on a carrying frame. I recall that it was a centre piece for a number of association dinners in Gillingham in years gone by. I am trying to find a good home for this lovely model - which I can deliver as it easily fits in a car. The model presently resides in Rochester. I am keen for the model to find the right home. That said, there is a value to it and I understand that father purchased it for £500. I would be more than happy to pass it on for the same amount - as long as it was to a caring owner. If any member is interested could you assist them with contacting me. Andy Ratcliffe ![]() ![]() ![]() Anyone who is interested can contact me at shipsoffice @ hmscavalier.org.uk , I have some more photos and I can pass on Andy's contact details. Neil 21/3/2019 |
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Working week-end 27-28 April Shipmates and friends, Would you please submit your name to Katie for victualing purposes if you are attending the working week-end on board Cavalier 27th - 28th April, also would you please indicate if you will be at the King George V on the Friday evening for a meal and a drink so that we can reserve tables etc, "thanking you". On Saturday 27th at 1100 there will be a service on the Quarterdeck to scatter the ashes of shipmate Paul Mace with his family in attendance and a buffet to follow. Number ones will be the dress for the service, please bring them with your working and sleeping gear. Katie ooc 7/3/2019 |
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Crossed the Bar Shipmates and Friends Once again it is with regret and sadness that I must inform you that Sue Bliss wife of Roger Bliss ( Iggy ) 1970 - 72 commission crossed the bar on Tuesday 19th February. Anyone who wishes to send condolence cards :- Roger Bliss, 15 Ryland Street, Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire, CV37 6BP The funeral for Sue will be on Wednesday 13th March 1600 hrs at :- Oakley Wood Crematorium, Bishops Tachbrook, Leamington Spa, Warwickshire, CV33 9QP Oakley Wood Crematorium website with directions & on Google Maps May Sue find a safe Anchorage in Calm Waters. Katie ooc 25/2/2019 |
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John Hills Funeral :- Monday 4th Feb at 1430 hrs Shipmates and Friends I have just received the arrangements regarding the funeral of John, it will be held on Monday 4th Feb at 1430 hrs at: St John The Baptist Church Little Missenden Buckinghamshire HP7 0RA Google Maps (According to the Church website, there is on street parking along the road directly opposite the church.) After the church service John will be taken to the crematorium for a family parting. There will be a map on the order of service showing the pub location at Hyde Heath, it is about 1 mile from the church. I have been asked to mention that the last part of the post code is Zero RA Yours Aye Katie ooc 24/1/2019 |
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Crossed the Bar Shipmates and Friends If anyone wishes to send condolence cards for John (Pusser) Hills crossing the bar The address is :- Mrs D. Hills 18 High Street West Coker Yeovil Somerset BA22 9AH As you are all aware Pusser was a very strong supporter of the Association and had a very good record of attending the working week ends and was a great character who gave us many laughs. He will be sorely missed by us all. Yours Aye Katie ooc 22/1/2019 |
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Crossed the Bar Shipmates and Friends It is with regret and great sadness that I must inform you that John ( Pusser ) Hills 1966 - 69 commission crossed the bar this morning, His wife Dixie will inform me as soon as the funeral details are known but has requested that the Standard and Cavalier Association will parade at the funeral, which will be held in Great Missenden Buckinghamshire. May he find a safe anchorage in Calm Waters. Katie ooc 21/1/2019 |
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Funeral Arrangements - John Forrester Hughes Wake Shipmates After the service at the crematorium the family have invited all to the wake at :- Longwell Green Community Centre, Shellards Road, Longwell Green, Bristol, BS30 9DU Longwell Green Community Centre :- Google Maps Katie ooc 20/12/2018 |
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Funeral Arrangements Shipmates The funeral arrangements for shipmate John Forrester Hughes are :- Thursday 3rd January 2019 at 1215 at Westerleigh Crematorium, Westerleigh Road, Bristol, South Gloucestershire, BS37 8QP Westerleigh Crematorium : Google Maps The Crematorium website recommends that if you are using the postcode in a Sat-Nav, that you should use BS37 8RF as they have had some comments that the 8QP postcode takes people to the wrong address. Anyone wishing to send condolence cards :- 37 Hillside Court, Batten Road, Bristol, BS5 8NL John was a loyal supporter of the Association and always attended the reunions with his son. Katie ooc 19/12/2018 |
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Crossed The Bar Harry "Scouse" Houghton Sid Anning has been in touch with the sad news that Scouse Houghton who was with him in the Gibraltar refit party crossed the bar in April. May he find a safe anchorage in calm waters. 17/12/2018 |
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Crossed The Bar Shipmates It is with great sadness that I have to inform you that John Forrester Hughes 57 - 59 commission has crossed the bar, may he find a safe anchorage in calm waters. There is no further information at this time, but details of funeral arrangements will follow as soon as known. Yours Aye Katie ooc 16/12/2018 |
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Rubber Legs Hi Everyone, Thank you Katie for your interest in my wellbeing, I know it was you because you always spell Rowdy wrong. For those who might be interested here is a summary of my situation; On Monday last I was fit as a fiddle and could leap over tall buildings, on Tuesday I got up and whilst making a cuppa I felt a pain in my nether regions which quickly got worse and after an hour I could barely walk and then my feet went numb. So, off to A & E , removal to a specialist centre where I was prodded, poked, needled, scanned and x-rayed which revealed a slipped disc. The outcome is that my right leg has largely recovered, my left leg is still numb and the foot feels like a cold brick on the end of it, my sanitary arrangements are beginning to normalise and I was released yesterday on sticks to recover further at home. I am told that this should gradually improve and I will be having physio to help. So, Mollie and I are hobbling around vying to look after each other. Thanks again Katie, I don't care what they say about you, you're a grand chap Thanks all Rowdy Apologies from the Web guy. I've back dated this message as I missed it coming in due to a family problem. Neil 16/9/2018 |
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Treasurer slipped disc For those who are not aware, our chief Treasurer Roudy YATES is in hospital with a slipped disc, he is being transferred to a specialist spinal hospital so that they can work on him to get him up and about again. For those wishing to send him a get well card the address is the same one you normally send your subs to, or if you pay those by direct debit and don't know it's on the "To Join" page click here. We wish him a speedy recovery. Neil (I've not put his address on this page in the hope that it will reduce the chances of it being picked up by a 'bot and misused. I hope the extra click doesn't cause any issues.) 14/9/2018 |
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Working Weekend 5th-7th October Shipmates and friends Would those attending the working week-end 5th -7th October please inform Katie. katiern at blueyonder.co.uk (change the " at " to @ in the email address) for victualling purposes, and also those that will be attending the evening meal on the Friday at the King George V pub. During the week-end ( time and day to be confirmed ) there will be a memorial Service conducted by our chaplain Andrew Huckett on the Quarterdeck to scatter the ashes of S/M Terry Willis with his family in attendance, the dress code will be no1's for the memorial service. Thanking you all Yours Aye Katie ooc 11/9/2018 |
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Notice for users of the Chrome browser A notice for those of you who use Google's Chrome browser, the next update which starts rolling out tomorrow (24-7-2018) will start showing a warning when you visit this site. Google in their wisdom have decided to warn everyone if they are using a non-encrypted connection to a website. Basically if the web address of the site starts with http:// all messages passed between you and the website are sent as plain text and are vulnerable to being interfered with by a third party. If the web address starts with https:// then all the messages between you and the website are sent using an encrypted connection, improving your security. It will be safe to ignore the warning for this site, but I would recommend thinking very carefully about ignoring the warning on any site you have to log in to or that involves making payments. I'm working on moving the site over to https, but I have to go through all the pages to make all the links will still work and the real world has been getting in the way. I'll update this with some more details when I get the new version of Chrome and I can see what messages it puts up. Neil 23/7/2018 |
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Terry Willis Funeral Details We now have the details for Terry Willis's funeral, it will be :- Wednesday 11th July 2018 at 1530 ? At :- The Counties Crematorium, Towcester Road, Milton Malsor, Northampton, NN4 9RN Counties Crematorium - Google Maps and afterwards at :- Monks Park working men's club, 259 Wellingborough Road, Northampton NN1 4EN Monks Park working men's club - Google Maps The family wish to "thank you" all for your cards and condolences at this time. 3/7/2018 |
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Message from the Chairman It is with great sadness that we have to report that Terry Willis (Association Secretary) passed away yesterday 29/6/2018. Obviously there will be a disruption to secretarial duties and production of Capers until further notice. All queries should be forwarded to the Association Chairman. Tony Cox 30/6/2018 |
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Crossed The Bar I am again saddened to report that another Cavalier has crossed the bar. I've just heard from Nobby and Katie that our secretary Terry Willis passed away this morning after suffering a stroke and short illness. Katie said he had been shocked with this news as he was talking to him yesterday and was with him last Friday at Paul's funeral. If we could ask you to pass on this sad message to any in the Cavalier Association and also in the 8th DS Association who you know. May he find a safe anchorage in calm waters. 29/6/2018 |
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Memorial Video We have some video from the dedication of the memorial bench for Admiral John Hervey. Sorry about the wobbly picture, it seems I'm not very good a keeping a phone steady while filming. I've been trying to improve it but haven't been have much success, but I'll keep trying. Memorial Bench video download link - Right Click (or long press on a tablet/phone) and chose save as I've also been contacted by a lady looking for suggestions for what to do with a photo album from her fathers time in the Navy including a number of photographs of ships which fought in the second World War and some photographs which he took at Dunkirk. If you can think of any institutions who could look after such photographs let me know at the shipsoffice and I'll pass them on. 16/6/2018 |
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Updates from Sittingbourne Shipmates the hotel at Sittingbourne has a pair of glasses which have been left behind, So if anyone is searching for them they are there 😂😂 I know the feeling well because after turning the house upside down I find them on my head. 😆😆 Dennis Curd has been discharged from Ashford Hospital and is recovering at home with the coronary nurse checking on him on Tuesday. Katie OD ooc 24/5/2018 |
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Larry (Mick) Nolan 61-63 Dear Shipmates, ? ? Today have spoken to Larry Nolan's Son, Garry and also with a short word to Larry.? As it happened Garry was at Larry's bedside at the time in the oncology unit of Belfast Hospital.?? Things are not too god for Larry at the moment as he has an infection, with the antibiotics causing problems with his warfarin blood thinner.? He is unable to eat or drink and is being fed via a tube through his nose.? He will never be able to eat or drink normally again and will eventually be fitted with a feeding tube directly to his stomach when the current infection is dealt with.? I had a few short words with Larry and sent all our best wishes to him.? He finds it very difficult to speak, but wanted me to thank all for their wishes. ? Garry is hoping to eventually get Larry home in the future when stabilised, and has a care package arranged for that when it happens. ? Yours aye ? Roger (Speedy) Hunt. 61-63 OOC 21/5/2018 |
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Website redesign OK guys, I've done an initial redesign of the site. At the moment it's very much a work in progress. Many of the pages will need some scrolling around in at the moment, but for testing purposes it should still be usable. So if you could have a look at HMS Cavalier test site on whatever devices you have and let me know how it's working that would be great. Neil Bartlett 17/5/2018 |
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Update from Sally Mace Hi all, Hopefully you have all heard the sad news that Paul Mace has recently passed away. Paul?s
Funeral is planned for 10:30 on Friday 22nd June at Medway Crematorium
(Bluebell Hill), followed by a wake at the Bridgewood Manor Hotel. Paul was an avid Liverpool fan and also hated people just wearing black so it was his wish for people to wear something red. Paul
requested that there be family flowers only, but if people would like
to make a donation then they should go to Horizons (Plymouth). www.horizonsplymouth.org Horizons
is a community based charity in Devonport, Plymouth, that supports
young disadvantaged or disabled people by getting them out on the water
to experience the joys of sailing. Simon, Paul?s son is also the Operations Manager for Horizons?so it was a charity that was close to his heart. The best way to make a donation is by an bank transfer (BACS), or by cheque,?this way Horizons will get the full amount you donate. Note from webmaster: I've removed the bank details for security, if you want to make a donation by BACS email me at?shipsoffice at hmscavalier.org.uk and I'll send you the details or you could ask one of the committee. Account Number: Sort Code: Please use Payment Reference: Paul Mace Cheques made payable to: Horizons (Plymouth)? Please email?simon at horizonsplymouth.org and let him know if gift aid can be claimed on any donations. Thanks for all your love and support at this difficult time. Sally and Simon Mace Another note from the webmaster: To make the email addresses above work, change the " at " to the @ symbol. 12/5/2018 |
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Paul Mace funeral details Paul Mace's Funeral is on? Friday 22nd June at Bluebell Hill (Medway) Crematorium at 10.30. Crematorium - Google Maps ME5 9QU Then at the Bridgewood Manor Hotel Walderslade. Bridgewood Manor Hotel - Google Maps ME5 9AX And at Paul?s request wear something red. Shipmates would you please let me know if you are able to attend so that I can pass on numbers to Paul's family? "thank you" Katie katiern@blueyonder.co.uk11/5/2018 |
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Larry (Mick) Nolan 61-63 Hello Shipmates ? I've had a phone call from Carl Nolan (Mick's Son) to say that Larry is being admitted into the Oncology dept at Belfast Hospital, following him having outpatient procedures for throat cancer and being now unable to swallow.? Apparently, sadly, the tumor is cited in a difficult position, making surgery dangerous. I have passed on our best wishes to Carl for Larry, with our hopes for a successful outcome and that our thoughts are with him at this time, Carl is going to keep in touch with me with updates. ? Yours aye ? Roger (Speedy) Hunt,61-63 OOC 10/5/2018 |
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Crossed the Bar Shipmates, Sadly I have to inform you that Paul Mace 67/69 Crossed the Bar just after midday yesterday. May he Rest in Peace Tony Cox 4/5/2018 |
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Mike Hollamby funeral details Mike Hollamby's funeral will be on Monday 30th April 2018 at 1200 Charing Crematorium TN27 0EB Charing Crematorium - Google Maps Afterwards at : YE MAYDES 15 High Street Biddenden TN27 8AL Ye Maydes - Google Maps 7/4/2018 |
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WANTED DEPUTY STANDARD BEARER Calling all Shipmates, a Deputy Standard bearer is required. Our fulltime Standard Bearer has gone into sickbay and its possible he may not be able to make the Reunion he certainly won't be able to make Mike Hollamby?s funeral. We know there are quite a few youngsters in the Association and its time for you to stand up and be counted so come on and put yourself forward and do a little thing for the Association. It doesn?t involve a lot of work just the odd funeral now and again expenses paid if required. Bill Lace the Fulltime standard bearer does most of the work. It will certainly look odd at the parade for Adml. John with no Standard there, its all down to you. If you can help please contact me Terry Willis training will be given if necessary. Looking forward in anticipation to your replies. Terry Willis Hon. Sec. HMS Cavalier Association 31/3/2018 |
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Mike Hollamby I'm sad to report that Mike Hollamby 59/60 commission passed away this morning 28th March 2018. Details of the funeral to follow. 28/3/2018 |
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Trophy A small piece about the John Bartlett mentors trophy by one of the other mentors. I first met John about seven years ago when I joined the local RNA branch,and John mentioned he was a mentor at HMS Raleigh. We sat chatting about how he enjoyed helping the next generation of sailors, I think it was his enthusiasm that struck me first, he hooked me line and sinker. ? John was one of the first mentors at HMS Raleigh. The mentoring program started in December 2011, it started with only two mentors from the Liskeard branch of the RNA, John and shipmate Gordon Strudwick. We have a total of 16 mentors now, both male and female. John was the longest serving mentor and was highly thought of by the numerous captains, and commanders of Raleigh and all the training staff, he was at his best with the recruits, telling them of his many years of service, his different ships and submarines, but what used to come up a lot was the associations he belonged to. One of the many dits he used to enjoy telling was his membership of the Cavalier Association. I hope all the dits he told the other mentors and staff, and recruits about the association get together can't be all true otherwise you should all be arrested!? All Joking apart I have been a mentor for nearly 5 years now and it was an absolute honour and privilege to have worked with John. When we got the news of John crossing the bar, I informed the staff and recruits of Fisher 17/18, within hours they collected ?135 and told me they wanted something for the division to remember John. I bought the trophy and on it is engraved "The John Bartlett mentors trophy" it will be awarded to to the recruit who has impressed the mentors throughout the 10 week phase 1 training. They will receive a certificate from the Liskeard RNA, and their name will be put on the trophy. On the day John had his service in Wales it was Fisher 17/18 passing out parade, I asked the "Bish" to say a few words about John,? what he said was brilliant, all the staff came up to me and said how highly everyone thought of John. Then we all went to the bar and had a tot of rum and the staff, and recruits, and myself toasted a great man and shipmate. I hope when we get together we can all have another "tot" and celebrate Johns life. I look forward to seeing his many old shipmates and to hear a few more dits about John. Shipmate? Terry Whitty Welfare officer? Liskeard RNA The John Bartlett mentors trophy and the Somme 100 Poppy the recruits bought John for all his his help over the phase one training. ![]() ![]() Fisher recruits December 8th 2017 ![]() Passing out parade ![]() 1/2/2018 |
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Message from
the Treasurer Re: Subs Hi, Message from the treasurer.? There are still 80 members (almost 50%) who have not yet paid their dues and January is coming to an end. So, to avoid me having to send the boys round I would appreciate it if you haven't already done so if you could bring your subs up to date. Failure to do so will mean that you will miss the next exciting issue of the Capers ! Thank you for your anticipated cooperation and I wait, with baited breath for the postman I remain your most obedient servant ? Alan Yates 24/1/2018 |
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Bartlett Memorial Service After a slight delay, partly due to the local church being closed for renovations. We've arranged the memorial service for my father to be held at the Liskeard Methodist Church on Friday 2nd February at 13:00 Any one who would like to attend would be more than welcome. I've put some links to Google maps below, as you may see, the Methodist Church is next door to the Liskeard RBL/RNA branch which seems rather fitting. ? Liskeard Methodist Church (Google Maps) Nearest Parking Slightly Further Parking Neil Bartlett 19/1/2018 |
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Sod's Opera
2018 Reunion Shipmates with the approval of the committee we are arranging a Sod's Opera to be held on the Friday evening 18th May at the Reunion at the Coniston Hotel, If any one wishes to participate with a sketch, song, dance etc would you please let me know so that you may be included in the programme. Would you please let any members know who you are in contact with. My contact details :- katiern@blueyonder.co.uk? Tel :- 0121 476 9497 "Thanking You" Katie 13/1/2018 |
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Treasurers email address An error has been spotted in the Capers with my Email address and as a result people are not able to reach me. The correct address is?? alanyatesxroyaln@gmail.com? This will be corrected in the next Capers and our apologies to anyone that has tried. Alan Yates Treasurer 11/1/2018 |
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the bar I have been informed by Paul Barnard of the Chatham Historic Dockyard Trust that LRO John N Ash, who served on board Cavalier during the 59/60 Commission, crossed the Bar on 24-11-2017. I don't have any further details at this time. I also have to report that my father CPO John Bartlett who served on board Cavalier 66/69 Commission crossed the bar on 1-12-2017 after a short illness. The cremation will be held at Narberth Crematorium, Pembrokeshire on Friday 8th December at 10AM. Any Cavaliers who would like to attend would be more than welcome, but we quite understand that the short notice and distance may prove a barrier for many, so he would heartily approve if you raised a tot in his name instead. We are hoping to arrange a service back in Cornwall early in the New Year. 5/12/2017 |
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Day Parade Chatham Dockyard 2017 Terry Willis has passed on some photos from Armistice Day parade at Chatham Dockyard. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() And? a photo of Alan Yates and his Grandson from the Remembrance Day parade in Manchester ![]() 22/11/2017 |
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Slops list The Slops List has been updated to reflect the fact that the Association won't be carrying a stock of Slops anymore. The Slops List page now has an up to date list of slops still available.? Please note that all stated prices are much reduced and that where necessary postage may be incurred. This is all that remains and when it is gone it is gone. Anyone wishing to purchase Slop's would probably be best contacting the Treasurer via email at treasurer@hmscavalier.org.uk 22/11/2017 |
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service for those buried at sea during 2017 Message from John (Katie) Ironton I attended a Memorial Service at St Ann's Church in Portsmouth Naval Base for Ron Rymer with his family and for all those that have been buried at sea during 2017, last Sunday 5th November. It was a very nice service and very much appreciated by Phyllis and Ron's Family who were pleased that they were able to attend. 8/11/2017 |
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FOR 2018 The treasurer and myself apologise for the fact that the subscription forms were not sent out with the Capers and ask that you either download the form below or send your details to the treasurer along with your cheque. Thanks ? Terry Willis Secretary Subscription Form - pdf Subscription Form - Word |
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Petition Stop the cuts to the Royal Marines and the Royal Navy's amphibious assault ships Luke Pollard MP for Plymouth Sutton and Devonport has launched a petition calling on the Government to stop cuts to Devonport-based HMS Albion & HMS Bulwark. There has been recent media speculation that the Government is considering scrapping the Royal Navy's entire amphibious assault capabilities and cut 1,000 Royal Marines. BBC News article on these possible cuts. Anyone wishing to sign or share this petition can follow the link below to the Parliamentary petitions website. Parliament Petitions - Stop the cuts to the Royal Marines and the Royal Navy |
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Over 2018 Battle's Over - A Nation's Tribute 11th November 2018 On 11th November 2018, the United Kingdom and its friends overseas will mark the day 100 years ago when the guns fell silent at the end of the First World War. You can play your part in remembering the sacrifice of millions of men and women by joining us in Battle?s Over, a unique series of events in the morning and evening involving organisations and communities the length and breadth of our nation and in many countries abroad. ? Battle?s Over - Sleep in peace, now the battle?s over ? Battle?s Over - The Last Post ? Battle?s Over - WWI Beacons of Light ? Battle?s Over - Let the Bells Ring Out Battle's Over Guide - pdf |
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Day 10/11 November 2017 Would those of you that will be sleeping on board on the 10th November please let me know so the Dockyard Trust have an idea as to how many will be in attendance. Terry Willis Secretary HMS Cavalier Association. |
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Joe Sayer I have sadly learned today, that Shipmate Joe Sayer a Junior Stoker, 1961-63 commission, passed over the bar on Thursday 12th October 2017. No other details known. |
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Back In
Action Just a quick note to say that the website is back in action. I'm sure the association would like to thanks Ron's family for all the work he did on this website and to extend their deepest sympathies for their sad loss. As for the website, I hope to have fixed the few broken links by the end of the week. Long term I believe Ron intended to redesign the site to be easier to use on more modern devices such as phones and tablets, so I'll start working on that next. In the meantime if anyone has anything they would like posting on the site just drop me a line at the shipsoffice email. Although I hope you'll bear with me if email responses are a little slow as at the moment I'm working through a large backlog of emails in the inbox most of which seem to be junk. Neil Bartlett |
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DON'T Be caught out Shipmates A Few examples NOT to taken in by. Don't open any attachments if NOT known. Don't click on any links No official bodies will ask for details.by email. |
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Ships Office :-
Would like to welcome any NEW on-liners please let us have your e-mail address, and for those we already have, if you've changed recently,please send your new e-mail address. many thanks |
"Help with my Crew Lists" Information (i.e.Rank,Official No.etc.) is urgently required please, to enable me to update the database of past Crew-Members of Cavalier, if you see either of them missing on the crew lists, or your name is not there, please inform the Office. If you or anyone knows of such a member please contact me via the ships office. So that a face can be put to a name I would like a passport size photo of just you? at some stage during your naval career. ? For those of you who are on the internet please scan and e-mail your photo to shipsoffice(at)hmscavalier.org.uk In anticipation thanks for your assistance.{ replace (at) with @? } ? |
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70th Anniversary DVD 2014. Pleased to inform you that the DVD is now available for sale Priced ?10.00 including P&P All cheques made payable to "Hms Cavalier Association" |
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Information for those that missed the 70th anniversary reunion Dockyard remembers thousands of WW2 sailors ? |
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Have you ever wondered what to do with Grandad's or Dad's old Navy photos and bits and pieces. Well don't any more "The Association" would be pleased to add to it's present collection and preserve all. Until such time used for research and when completed will be handed over to the IWM. These old memories are RARE and must never be destroyed. Please contact if you have any??? Office Administrator |
"Disclaimer of Other Sites:? This Notice is Posted to tell you all that a SITE calling itself? ?The
ALTERNATIVE Website Hms Cavalier Association |
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